Happy Holidays – it’s giveaway time! It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these; it’s way overdue. I’ve been collecting some amazing things in my beauty room for this occasion. Now it’s time for one of you to get very lucky in winning this huge prize pack!
Beauty & Accessory Giveaway – $300+ value
In the Prize Pack
- Victoria’s Secret tote bag
- Claire’s Velvet Choker
- Pop Beauty Eye Shadow Trio in Peach Parfait
- IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Makeup
- Cargo Blush & Bronzer Duo
- Ole Henriksen Sheer Transformation Facial Creme
- Charming Charlie Lips Wallet
- IT Cosmetics Je Ne Sais Quoi lip balm
- Mini Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator
- Charming Charlie fox jewelry dish
- UNT nail lacquer
- Mini Smashbox X-rated Mascara
- Pacifica Eye Shadow Trio
- White pom pom keychain
- IT Cosmetics Heavenly Skin CC+ Skin Perfecting Brush
- Crown Brush Tapered Duo Fiber Blush brush
- Murad Advanced Active Radiance Serum
Rules & Info
- Giveaway open to U.S. residents only
- All ages welcome to enter. If under 18, you’ll need parent or guardian permission to enter giveaway and receive mail.
- One winner will be chosen at random to win the full prize pack and contacted by email.
How to Enter
Use the box below to enter your information and complete tasks. Completing tasks earns you entries. The more tasks you complete, the better your chances for winning! Entries will be checked and verified so make sure you complete the tasks you choose or you will be disqualified!
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Our holiday traditions have changed as family members have passed away. I think I’m more thankful now too. In the winter, I like to stay in and read. We usually go around to see the Christmas lights. Happy 2017!
We have a Christmas tradition of going to New Orleans and eating out and having fun out on Bourbon st !
My favorite holiday tradition is baking and a decorating gingerbread house!
I like to go out on a sunny ,snowy day and walk in the park, take pictures.
One of my favorite traditions is one we started when I was just a toddler. We always open one present on Christmas Eve and the present is always new winter pjs.
Our families favorite holiday tradition is gathering in the kitchen, catching up on all the amazing things that has happened to our family in the past year. It is a time for giving thanks and sharing family time, while preparing our favorites to contribute to the family meal.
Listening to Christmas music while the whole family decorates the tree
My favorite holiday tradition is making Christmas cookies together as a family.
My favorite holiday tradition is staying up all night, baking and wrapping gifts with my mom.
My favorite holiday tradition is our Christmas Day Mexican potluck
My favorite tradition is having a New England Christmas with friends and family …and watching movies all day
My favorite tradition is Christmas Eve with the family, opening presents and a big dinner
My favorite Christmas tradition is driving around looking at decorations in one of our local parks. It’s large and has roads that circle around in it. They add to the decorations every year and encourage people to drive slow and even pull over to enjoy looking at them all.
My favorite holiday tradition is getting together with family that I don’t see much throughout the year.
my favorite holiday tradition is curling up in front of the fireplace with my boyfriend, wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot coco together
My favorite holiday tradition is to bake for friends and family.
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree.
We always cook the 24th to eat for Christmas. We open our presents the night of the 24th. We have family over to eat on Christmas and we decorate the house and tree after Thanksgiving.
My favorite holiday traditions are making a nice lasagna for Christmas Eve dinner and letting my son open one of his gifts. It is always a board game that we can play that night.
I love getting new jammies Christmas Eve.
My favorite Holiday Tradition is to put up the Christmas tree with the kids. It is so much fun!
We always have get together and prepare a big feast during the holidays. Happy holidays!
My favorite holiday tradition is our yearly “girls night out” dinner where all the distaff members of the family get together.
My favorite tradition we have is buying food for a family in need. We do this every year.Makes you feel good!
My favorite thing about winter is celebrating my birthday with my family and friends.
All of our family and extended family meets at my parents home on Christmas Eve. We have a big feast and catch up on the latest news and open gifts.
Something we do every year and has become a beloved part of our Christmas is to watch Its A Wonderful Life and then play the board game that goes along with it. Its so fun and we get competitive. Also we make hot cocoa and eat cookies
My favorite holiday tradition is our ugly sweater contest.
Baking cookies for santa
My family is so spread out now we’ve lost most of our traditions but I’m a bird watcher and always enjoy cold winter hikes for that reason.
My fave holiday tradition is going out to the movies with my parents the day after christmas.
we love getting the elf on the shelf out every holiday
Thank you for your amazing giveaway! That is one beautiful prize indeed.
I like celebrating the holidays with my family. We don’t have a lot of traditions, but always enjoy a nice home cooked meal and exchanging gifts on Christmas Day.
I love watching Christmas movies with my nephews. Sure I’ve seen them a hundred times but to them they’re still new. Th joy of a child is the purest form of happiness on earth ?❤️
Me and my mother’s holiday tradition used to be getting our Christmas tree on black frkday. But now that I’m grown and have my own kids we are trying to start traditions of our own….all we got right now is on Christmas eve we go to my sister in laws house (-which unfortunately is about a 2 hour ride away) and we don’t get back til midnight….then on Christmas the girls open their gifts and the rest of the day we spend at my moms house….then after that it’s relaxing back at home while the kids play with their toys…. not much of a tradition but it’s what we do every year….we also take a family photo woth Santa every year rather than just having the baby (who’s 3.5 now) in it alone. It started with her being too scared of Santa but it’s continued because it’s he one time a year we get a nice professional photo done of our family (well the 3 of us, the 2 other sisters (half) aren’t in it, but that would be nice)….. thanks for the chance and merry christmas, happy new year 🙂
My favorite is our Christmas Eve! My hubby always makes chicken stir fry, then we watch Christmas movies/specials. Then the kids open ONE gift…and it’s always holiday pj’s!
Oh!the gifts are awesome❤❤
By the way,I come from Taiwan???
I love to wake up early every morning in dec and sit in front of the christmas tree while its still dark outside and just reflect on the past year
We used to celebrate whatever day my husband was off work closest to Christmas but he is retired now. My son works at the same place my husband did so we have it on his day off. I work from home.
We always get together and exchange cookies!!!
We have a lot of traditions in our family. We love to get together and decorate while cooking and playing holiday charades, so much fun. We take a night or 2 and go ride around to look and take in all the decorations. And every year we try to learn about at least one other history of the holidays and learn their customs, this is very informing and interesting while giving us a better understanding on the human race as a whole.
We always watch Christmas movies together
I love it when my kids and I bake cookies and watch Christmas movies.
Attending candlelight church service on Christmas Eve with my family is definitely my most favorite tradition.
My favorite tradition is that we always go to my grandmother’s house on Christmas Eve and we eat chili for dinner. Then we open gifts.
A favorite holiday tradition that’s been going on for the last 10 years is a friend of ours holds a big Christmas party the last Saturday before Christmas and it’s called “Night of 1000 Shrimp”. It’s called that because our friend absolutely loves shrimp cocktail so he buys pounds upon pounds of it and it’s one of the main appetizers of the party. Of course, has lots of other food, too, including a chocolate fondue fountain. Then, later in the night, we all play poker. We have a great group of friends and we’ve created several traditions for other holidays (we do Friendsgiving every year, too).
I like singing Silent Night at the midnight service and lighting candles.
My favorite holiday tradition is playing a game together as a family on Christmas Eve.
My favorite tradition is baking cookies and listening to music.
We have a family dinner on Christmas and we exchange gifts. We are super laid back and our family is small, but it’s really nice.
Our family tradition during the holidays is to have an empty chair at the table in memory of all our relatives who have passed & can’t be with us in life.
My favorite holiday tradition is taking my daughter to see Santa!
My favorite tradition is baking with my boys on Christmas Eve and watching Holiday movies!
My favorite Christmas tradition as a kid was always putting up the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. We put on Christmas music, baked cookies and drank eggnog while decorating the entire house and the tree for Christmas. It’s a tradition I will one day continue with my kids.
Super awesome giveaways. Would love to win!
I love stocking up on warm soups that week with yummy xmas leftovers
I love to put up the Christmas tree and go to Christmas parties
We have a tradition of going to our local Christmas parade every year. We always stand in the same spot; have no idea why. lol We freeze our toes off and have to walk a long way to the car, but it’s really a lot of fun. My daughter likes everyone throwing candy.
My favorite holiday tradition is having a christmas tree.
My fav holiday tradition is sitting before the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa with peppermint sticks, and opening one gift or unpacking our Christmas stocking on Christmas Eve!
I like baking and sharing my successes with friends and family. My UPS driver looks forward to her little gifts from me every time I bake.
We enjoy an evening of Lessons and Carols at a local college and we decorate the apartment and enjoy lovely meals together.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is making handmade ornaments with my girls. Every year we make something different from the year before and get to see how they have improved over the year’s in crafting them.
putting up our tree right after thanksgiving
I love all of my immediate family coming to my parents home which is now just my Mother (Daddy will always be here in my heart) for our Christmas get together. It is probably the only time all year long that we are all together and I cherish it.
We like to bake cookies together as a family, while watching Christmas movies and drinking wine. Sometimes the cookies are kind of questionable!
my favorite holiday tradition is going to christmas eve service, and then coming home to watch a christmas movie and drink hot chocolate.
My favorite holiday tradition is my old-school Louisiana grandmother’s sweet potato pie and coffee. We have the coffee any/all the time, but the pie is for the holidays.
Now, that we are getting older, we don’t celebrate it together, must of our families do not live nearby.
I like eating family meals every Christmas.
My favorite thing is to get hot chocolate with the kids and cut down our tree. Then sing Christmas carols the whole way home.
I love searching for new cookie recipes and making cookies for family /friends during the holidays.
We love spending Christmas Eve (day) with families and friends, go to Christmas mass on Christmas eve, and open presents at 6;00 am Christmas morning.
My favorite holiday tradition is baking Christmas cookies with my daughter like I did with my mom and grandmother
Since I moved the US 5 years ago, one thing that’s quickly becoming my favorite “tradition” is prepping for and shopping the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, lol.
My favorite holiday tradition is just to get together with my family Christmas Eve and open gifts as soon as the clock strikes 12. Basic, but quality family time. =)
I love filling stockings with little gifts. It’s a family tradition to open our stocking when we first wake up and then have breakfast. Happy holidays!