So you’ve decided you want a Cricut, but you’re not sure which one to get. Understandable! They all can do different things, are different sizes, and can handle different materials. We’re here to give you a guide about all of the current machines and their differences. We’ll give you a full Cricut machine comparison so you can figure out which one you should get. … [Read more...]
30 Date Night Ideas for Couples + Printable Date Coupons
Do you prioritize date nights with your partner? Many of us don't, just because life gets in the way. It's understandable and we get it! Today, we're sharing 30 date night ideas for couples. Let this list inspire you to start up date night again. Plus, we have included an option to download our date night coupons that you can print out and we're even sharing how to package … [Read more...]
DIY Christmas Ornament with Wood Beads
During the holidays, it can be fun to do some DIY projects. We have a fun and easy DIY Christmas ornament to share today. It requires just a few supplies and is a pretty quick project. It can even make a nice gift! Grab your favorite holiday drink, and let’s get crafting. We’re showing you how to make a DIY Christmas ornament with wood beads. … [Read more...]
25 Festive Things to do for Christmas
'Tis the season for some festive fun. There are so many things you can do to celebrate the holiday season. Today, we're sharing 25 festive things to do for Christmas. Print out the list at the end of the post to use as a checklist as you complete each activity! … [Read more...]
Concrete Patio Refresh Project
We've been in our home for just over a year now. Since we moved in, we've been tackling a lot of different home improvement projects. It's so exciting to be able to see the transformation as we make upgrades and changes. One thing that desperately needed our attention was our outdoor patio. It's an awesome space, but the concrete was in rough shape. Here's our concrete patio … [Read more...]